Friday, October 10, 2008

One more place we have lived together...

Before Utah and before Iowa, Simon and I lived in South West London for 2 1/2 years. We lived in a borough of London called Ballam. This is St Mary's church. In the last year we were there, Simon volunteered there and helped people who came over from the Jobcenter next door create their resume's or fix the ones they had. Along with that Simon had his computer repair business. He did work for 2 yrs in Central London at place called the GTC.
which is a smaller version of a Ethan Allen like shop. It also had a wedding registry department which is where Simon worked. I came back in Dec 2005 and Simon joined me 5 months later. While we were there were apart of the Clapham Common ward. We loved to go Sightseeing around London, it was so easy to pop on the tube and go. One of the places we went to for our 2nd anniversary was Hampton court pictured above. It was lived in by Henry the 8th. It has extensive rooms and gardens. It was a lovely day out though typically English- overcast. Other places we went were Syon house, National Gallery of Art, the Wallace Museum, Grenich Martitime Muesum, The Britsh Library... many interesting places.


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