Wednesday, January 8, 2014

 Its hard to believe that a whole year has gone by and its time to make New Resolutions. I would like to rename time  New Year Habits to incorporate into my life.

1) I want to treat my body better than I do.  Not skip meals like I sometimes I do especially breakfast and then feel not so great.  I want to loose  a little bit of weight just some, 5-10 maybe 15 pounds.
 2) Try not spend so much time worrying about things. Decided what is important to worry about and what really isnt- dont spend so much time on. ? ? ? ? ?
3)  Spend more time on spiritual things, watch  Mormon channel videos and similar channels... Spend time reading the scriptures and Ensign.
4) Read more, when  I  dont Have to be on the computer ( work) or spending Some time on social media and other sites,  Read.  I think 4 is good for now, 4 I can handle...

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